Russian manufacturer of sports equipment

Compact and multifunctional station

The lion's share of FOREMAN's range of sports equipment is made up of full-size exercise machines and complexes with enormous strength limits.

The lion's share of FOREMAN's range of sports equipment is made up of full-size exercise machines and complexes with enormous strength limits. Their direct purpose is to be used in fitness clubs and high-load sports centers.

But in recent years, there has been an increasing interest in sports equipment in other market segments. Companies and "businesses" that are more interested in products with a wide range of options. For example, hotels that open gyms or businesses that organize sports corners for employees, studios, etc.

The development of such multi-purpose structures is always a very difficult task, because in the end it is necessary to find the optimal solution, without any compromises in terms of safety and reliability.

If you combine the bold idea of "compact multitasking" and a prudent design approach, you get a new unique product FOREMAN FY-3092!

What is it? This is a real multi-station designed for use in small or confined spaces. Its width is only 138 cm. The complex combines three simulators, which are very popular in modern fitness clubs.